due dates.
Today I took my friend to get an ultrasound. This is her fifth baby. I have known her for at least 5 years. She is a dear, good friend. She is kind to her children. She is kind to my children. She loves and serves so graciously. She laughs and jokes and gives me this little look that says "don't be so ridiculous" and means "I love you and I'm grateful you're my friend. And I think you're ridiculous." I think I give her the same look sometimes.
A few months ago I was walking down my friend's street when I saw her and another friend sitting outside of her house. I stopped to join them. The one friend looks over at the other and says, "you gonna tell her?"
tell me what?
silence - and a little smile.
she's having a baby.
what? really?
silence and a little bit of a bigger smile. "well"
when were you going to tell me?
I don't know. I'm not sure.
She's having a baby. She's a few months along already.
Did you take a pregnancy test?
Are you going to?
I don't have money to buy one.
do you want me to take you for an ultrasound?
yes, please.
And I really was going to take her ages ago, but that just never happened. We got her a test that confirmed her suspicions though. She really is pregnant.
When are we going?
I don't know. Maybe tomorrow.
When are we going?
I don't know. Maybe next week.
When are we going? Did you forget about me?
I didn't forget. I just don't know.
Today her two year old and I took her to the clinic to get her ultrasound. While she has 5 kids this is her second ultrasound. She's having a little boy sometime in early September. Everyone was guessing for another girl, so they're all surprised now. No one was quite sure when he was arriving. They are glad to know now. I liked watching the baby move and seeing his little hands, his little feet, his little face and hearing his little heartbeat. Even more though, I liked watching her face as she saw him, as she heard his heart beating, as she listened to the doctor say that everything looks healthy and strong. She who is tired from trying to work and take care of her family and worried because they just don't have as much food as they used to, as much food as they need. She can know her baby is strong now. And healthy. And weighs enough. And is growing well. And it's a boy. And I can still see her contented smile in my mind as she laid there and remember the happiness in her voice as she told her family when we got back that there would be another little man joining their family.