to love without getting tired.

I do not remember the first time I read or heard this quote, but I've been thinking about this one again recently. It seems to fit right into what it seems God's teaching me these days.

Mother Teresa once said, "Do not think that love in order to be genuine has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired."

And in so many ways I think that's what it really has to be about. Those little moments of loving and loving again. Not just one huge display of affection and gratitude, but loving in the daily monotony of life. Because so much of what you do in loving people is exhausting. I love my boys. I love the families that I get to work with. I love the children who come to play here. I love being able to teach them. I love being able to show them they are valuable. I love helping my friends. I love being able to spend time with my friends.

But honestly, it's also exhausting sometimes. Some days I am tired of folding laundry and making beds. Some days I am tired of buying cases of formula and sacks of rice to take to different places. Some days I am tired of figuring out what to cook for two hungry little boys to eat for dinner. Some days I am tired of telling the kids to leave the gate closed, not to ride their bikes on the grass or to stop cursing at each other. Some days I am tired of pulling all the craft supplies and teaching aids out and separating everything to take to the village again.

This loving people can be exhausting, but it's always completely worth it - for so many reasons.  It is worth it because as you love people you are loved in return. It is worth it because a little boy might really tell you that he misses you when you tuck him into bed at night. It is worth it because you might find out that the wise men really brought Jesus gold, frankincense and chili sauce. It is worth it because you might find that you have family all around the world. It is worth it because you might be the first person your friend calls to tell her she had her baby really just after she had her baby, but she wanted to tell you because she knew you were waiting. It is worth it because you might be one of the first people your friend calls to tell she lost her baby because she wanted you to come and you could go cry with her. It is worth it because in each little way that you love someone you are not only showing them Jesus, but you are also loving and caring for Jesus. It is worth it because He is worth it.

We also have the promise of how we don't have to do anything in our own strength. In 2 Corinthians 12 Paul talks about how Jesus' grace is made perfect for us in our weaknesses. Jesus knows everyone of our weaknesses. Not only is He not surprised by them, He's not disappointed in us because of them. He knew they were there. He knew we needed him and continue to need him. And so He asks us to simply look at him. To follow him. To trust him. To love him. To love him in each person we find in front of us and He'll take care of strengthening and enabling us to do just that which He's asked of us.

And so you keep on loving people, even when you're tired in all the little ways you can. I'm convinced it's worth it because I know He is.


Jennifer said…
Beautifully written and very profound. God bless you, Laura, for not only what you do, but who you are--a woman of God who loves people day in and day out.
"May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen" (Heb. 13:20-21).
Laura Miller said…
Anonymous said…
Thank you Lola! Love you!

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