
I felt just slightly ridiculous when I started writing Christmas cards more than a month ago, but here we are at Christmastime and they are yet to be completed.

As I was writing though a theme which seemed to resound throughout was one of peace. Jesus came to bring us a peace so real, so tangible that is can change our lives - and it's a peace we all so desperately need. Peace in our nations. Peace in our homes. Peace in our hearts - the reassurance that there really is a healer, there really is a comforter, there really is a prince who came for all of us.

It's been quite some time since there has been war in this nation, but there is still fear. The election this year brought violence along with contested results. The decision was also made by an international council declaring a disputed piece of territory belonging to us and not to Thailand. A few years ago there were skirmishes and deaths at this temple on the border. Fear of more continued through this. In Thailand in the last few weeks there have been political rallies turning violent with people being hurt and killed. There is a great need for peace in these lands.

Equally strong is the need for peace in our hearts. Peace to replace the fear. Peace to bring trust where lies have hindered believing the truth. Peace for little boys afraid of being abandoned again because they have been before. Peace for times when it takes all you have to defend yourself against friends who believe you have AIDS because your mom does - and all of that makes you less likeable. less valuable. less of a person. Peace which says there is so much more to walk in than fear. Peace that has a name and a face. Peace which says this Christmas I can face tomorrow because I know who the Prince of Peace is and he has given me every reason to trust him and no reason to doubt. Emmanuel has come and God really is here with us.


Megan said…
Laura, I do not know how I was not previously following your blog! I love you and your heart and your writing. Praying for you today.
Laura Miller said…
Thanks Megan! I love you and your heart too!

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