
I had several extra things to do during home visits this evening.

The first visit was an extra one because when someone had gone to see them earlier in the day we'd overlooked the fact that the youngest daughter was going back to the hospital on Monday for her last test results and she needed transportation money. They are such a precious family. When I got there they all said hello.
As I was talking to the dad he sent one of the older boys to pick a watermelon for me from their patch.

I tried telling him his wife had sent one home for me that morning already.

He didn't seem to hear.

I tried telling him I already had one.

He put it in a bag.

I tried telling him I had lots of other places I was going and I didn't have anywhere to put one.

He said save it for later.

And so I left with one of the biggest watermelons I've ever seen here. I was smiling to myself God takes such good care of me and because watermelon is one of my faves. Also, I was smiling to myself though really knowing that there was a very small chance I wouldn't make it home with this watermelon because all of my friends along the way would love to have some.

The next visit was to give rice to a family and to talk to them about finding them a new house. There was one for rent for a decent price near many of the other families that we know. I took the mom and one of the little girls with me to look at it. We could not actually get inside because the landlord was not there tonight. But as we were walking around on the street I heard the mom say: "Slum. They call this a slum."

I had to smile to myself. Granted her house is not exactly in a slum, but it is a house that's literally falling into the water that it's built over. Yes, they call this a slum. It's a wonderful slum though full of wonderful people.

After I took the mom and her daughter home I headed back down to that same slum to visit several of the other families I know there. And it's really just always fun being there. They're so full of joy. Every adult that came up to my moto looked at that watermelon in the basket.

Look how large that watermelon is.

You can cut it up and share it if you'd like.

How much did you pay for it?

They gave it to me. 

Those big ones are the most delicious. 

You can have it if you want it.

No, no, no, take it home for your boys.

I have another one at home. You can have it if you'd like it.

No, no, no. . . .

Then one of my favorite people ever walked over to the watermelon and said, well, that's a very large watermelon there. How much did you pay for it?

They gave it to her.

Come on, cut it up and share it with us.

I already said that you were all welcome to have it if someone wanted it, but no one took it.

Well, that was all she needed to hear. She snatched that watermelon out of my basket and got a knife from her house. Everyone around got a slice. I love my life and all the amazing people in it.


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