
I recently found out one of my friends, one of the moms of a family we work with, is pregnant again. She wasn't really planning on it, didn't actually realize it until just now.
And I am torn inside because I want to be happy for her at the same time as it has real concern attached.
She's one of the most amazing mom's I've met here. Her three children are very well taken care of, they're each kind and loving and you can tell it comes from her raising and caring for them. She consistently works to provide for her family. She does what she can and prays for God to fill the lack - and she is so very teachable and helpful. She helps us cook and clean any time we ask - and sometimes even when we don't. Even as she was telling me about her pregnancy and we talked about all of it, she decided she's going to bring a portion of her paycheck to me each month so I can save it for her to help pay for the baby's birth and for the months she'll need to take off work.
And honestly - she's amazing. She gets it. She doesn't want everything handed to her. She doesn't agree with living that way, but she also acknowledges that she needs help, so I am so excited for her in this - and then sad because she and her husband both have AIDS and we don't know how long they will be healthy or if the baby will be okay.

So my prayer for this new baby is that she is not only born healthy, but that she is able to grow up with her family and that she will know how very wanted she is.


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