what is best?
yesterday I had a plan for my day that sounded crazy and busy and chaotic, but then my plans changed and I still haven't figured out how I will get those things accomplished that didn't happen yesterday.
what did happen was this:
I had the privilege of riding halfway across the country (almost literally) to meet a sweet little baby girl in need of some help. My friends had met her earlier in the week and knew she needed more than she was getting at home with her 12 year old aunt as her primary caregiver. We didn't know what exactly the more would look like - taking her home to Battambang with us, finding somewhere else for her to live, helping the Grandmother buy formula for her. Her mom does not want her, but her grandmother and young aunts really do love her.
So what are you to do when you don't understand the situation clearly and cannot really see how bad it is - apparently you go see for yourself how to make a wise decision, or one you hope is wise and best for a little baby - because anything you decide will have lasting implications in her little life.
When I saw her sweet face and skinny little body I wanted to take her, to keep her - simultaneously the easiest and most difficult of solutions to the situation.
I left yesterday morning to try to help one little baby, and if possible help her without bringing her all the way to Battambang, far away from the family we want her to know. (We figured it out, she'll spend a few months a an orphanage near home where Grandmother can visit and she can return home when she's older and stronger.) I'm praying that is best.
I came back last night in love with one more sweet family and more in love with a Jesus who lets me be a part of so many children's lives.

Srey Ruth, her 2 aunts and her grandmother.
what did happen was this:
I had the privilege of riding halfway across the country (almost literally) to meet a sweet little baby girl in need of some help. My friends had met her earlier in the week and knew she needed more than she was getting at home with her 12 year old aunt as her primary caregiver. We didn't know what exactly the more would look like - taking her home to Battambang with us, finding somewhere else for her to live, helping the Grandmother buy formula for her. Her mom does not want her, but her grandmother and young aunts really do love her.
So what are you to do when you don't understand the situation clearly and cannot really see how bad it is - apparently you go see for yourself how to make a wise decision, or one you hope is wise and best for a little baby - because anything you decide will have lasting implications in her little life.
When I saw her sweet face and skinny little body I wanted to take her, to keep her - simultaneously the easiest and most difficult of solutions to the situation.
I left yesterday morning to try to help one little baby, and if possible help her without bringing her all the way to Battambang, far away from the family we want her to know. (We figured it out, she'll spend a few months a an orphanage near home where Grandmother can visit and she can return home when she's older and stronger.) I'm praying that is best.
I came back last night in love with one more sweet family and more in love with a Jesus who lets me be a part of so many children's lives.

Srey Ruth, her 2 aunts and her grandmother.