Five years ago today I ended my journey from the other side of the world to a little town called Battambang in Cambodia. I had never been to this city, I did not know anyone I was going to live or work with and I was not going home for more than a year. I simultaneously wanted to be here and was homesick beyond reason.

Today I smile when I think of the girl I was then, of my ideals of the world and what I wanted my future to hold. I never imagined it would look quite like this, but this is what I asked for. God has been gracious, faithful, kind. I have been so blessed to live the life I’ve lived.

My life has been made so rich by the experiences I’ve been able to have here:

The amazing ones of knowing this little girl is alive because I didn’t give up on her and the horrible ones of waking for a nighttime feeding to find the baby has died.

For all the frustration of injustice rearing its ugly head as one twin is adopted to another country and one stays behind, of one twin making it and one twin being born too small.

To times when the Kingdom of God comes alive on earth and justice is made manifest in a little boy found digging through trash being taken in and given a home, a family, value and love to replace his which was taken from him.

These have been an amazing five years! I am excited for the next five or more because today this little town is home and I cannot even think about leaving this place and these people behind.

Jeevit - 4 years later.

Amana - 3 weeks old (she's reason enough to spend the rest of my life here.)


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