Well, I can only say that God is rather amazing, pretty much astoundingly amazing all the time. I have this Bible class three days a week that I absolutely love. I had all this about prayer ready to teach them and it was great because it just so happened that one of them asked a question about prayer a little while ago that I wanted to answer. Then yesterday God would change what I should teach them a few hours before class. Okay. I am glad that I decide most of the time it’s always better to just do what he’s saying. He sees a bigger picture and he has my best at mind really and truly. Now, I know it’s not always the case, but it seems like very often God has me teach things that I know about or I am experiencing. So last week I just discovered another little problem in my life, but no worries this one has promises attached, right. He changed my teaching to going through the whole book of James with this Bible study book we’ve got. It would so happen that chapter one verse two says to consider all suffering a joy because of what it produces, because it glorifies God in an even bigger way, simply because he is God and we are not and that’s all we need to know. The world would be such an easier place if we walked around believing he was God, we are not, but that he has our best at mind always. What a difference that would make, but we are stubborn people. And so my class talked about perseverance through suffering and I learned some stuff that is almost fitting to apply. . . The only thing I’m stuck on is after I go through the book of James and we talk about prayer one of the other questions was “why did God make the sky?” I have no idea. He wanted to. He thought it looked cool. He knew people would always be amazed at his sunsets and clouds and turn their hearts back to him remembering his faithfulness? That one has me beat.