Life at the orphanage is always changing. Last Saturday some of the staff went out to dinner. Again, I decided I did not want to go with them. When they got there they saw Jake from the orphanage with his new family. He’s off to Italy now and doesn’t have to live at the orphanage anymore.
Today we found out that the little guy, Joel, died last week. He sick for as long as he was there. They took him to the hospital and he died shortly after they came back. One of the girls from the team that just left completely fell in love with him and spent a few hours several mornings a week holding him and singing or praying. I’m glad he knew he was loved.
One of the mothers also told us that Sambo and Sambat are going to be adopted by a Khmer family living in Italy. I am so excited that they are going to have a family soon.
There is a new girl there too. Molly named her Grace because they don’t know what her name is. She’s somewhere over one, but we don’t know what is wrong with her. She cannot hold her head up very well and she definitely can’t sit or move right. She may be deaf too. She spends most of the time moaning.
Pray for us and pray for the mothers at the orphanage. Pray that we would be able to keep loving the kids like they’re our own and then being able to see them leave and love the new kids that come. . .